5 Herbal teas with calming effects


we are actually experiencing the effects of caffeine and not of anxiety, both feel very similar.

  • Increased heart rate

  • Nervousness

  • Stomach irritation

  • & other side effects

These side effects are then unpleasant and can cause you stress. Stress from how you feel and then the thoughts that can accompany not feeling great.

  • ‘I feel nervous’

  • ‘How can I get through my day’

  • ‘I am unable to calm’

  • ‘I cant sleep’

  • etc

These thoughts are stressful & fearful of an overwhelming day, which can cause anxiety.

Caffeine is a stimulant, & is the reason half the time the reason we drink it. However, this stimulant has these side effects similar to anxiety, and can be experienced from just one drink for some & several drinks for others, we are all different.

If you are drinking caffeine all day or late at night this would explain a cause for

  • Insomnia

Can you see the circle

  • Tired and need a boost

  • Drink a stimulant

  • Feel anxiety similar effects

  • Stressful thoughts

  • Now feeling anxious from this

  • Too wound up to sleep

  • Tired and need a boost


You could also be unaware of how much caffeine you are consuming in one day, these contain high levels of Caffeine

  • Energy drinks

  • Sodas

  • Coffee covered chocolates

  • Green tea

  • Black tea

  • Coffee

  • espresso

  • Pain killers

Its good to become aware of what we were unaware of, not to beat ourselves up but in order to know where a change is in our control. Time to consider some swaps.

5 Teas that have calming effects

Chamomille: Is great for anxiety, relaxing the muscles and reducing irritability, chamomile also helps with insomnia.

Peppermint: Works well to reduce stress, anxiety and irritability, it is a natural muscle relaxant. Peppermint is a lovely calming drink especially to promote a good night sleep, there is just one warning in that it is not recommended for pregnant ladies.

Lavender: Just the scent alone gives a relaxing a calming effect, it can be beneficial to your skin, soothe stomach bloating and prevent infections.

Lemon balm: Isn’t just a relaxing anxiety reducing tea, it also helps to elevate the mood.

Passion Flower: The flavone chrysin within the flower has anti-anxiety benefits, and also helps for a good night sleep. This can react with sedative medication, so it is best to avoid if you are taking them, also for children under 6 and pregnant or breastfeeding mums.


On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behaviour becomes automatic . By consciously & actively making a point to replace caffeine with herbal for 2 months it will eventually become a helpful automatic habit.

Tea is also a great thing to have as a grounding relaxing tool, taking small sips of tea whilst focusing on your breathing is a great way to induce calm into your life.

Whilst drinking all the herbal tea in the world alone will not get rid of all the causes of your anxiety, it will replace any caffeine habit and stop any of those similar side effects.

*You may find that a reduction in caffeine can have side effects also, such as headache however these pass within a couple of days when your body gets used to the reduction.


Mandala A Diary Without Words


How to help yourself when it seems like the end of the world