How to help yourself when it seems like the end of the world


Let’s unpack this

Number 1, You're pretty normal, everyone experiences negative automatic thoughts, when something happens, we ALL get worried, even the most practiced people in mindfulness can get automatic thoughts and feel anxious from them. Anxiety it’s a normal function, it's how you react to it that will help you.

There's actually something going on in your brain when we get our stress response.

Our brains signal to the adrenaline glands to start the stress hormones pumping around the body = body anxiety symptoms.

The amygdala is also on a mission to spot any more danger, to keep you alive, 'survive the danger' this means we start thinking everything is bad & start feeling it too = mind anxiety symptoms.

That fearful automatic thought and then anxiety symptoms such as a fearful focus is why everything starts to feel like it's the end of the 🌎

Everything we do when we're rushing, worrying, thinking constantly, the past or the future, late for things, challenges, feeling there's no time, is still stress response.
Even the most mindful experience the stress response because it's normal, things gets stressful, life can be challenging so we worry, we stress & feel anxious. Remember anxiety is a normal response, the problems come when it's all the time & we don't know HOW to help ourselves in this.
Practice Mindfulness
Notice when you start feeling stressed.
Holding your breath, tummy tense
On edge 
Can't slow down that easily
Take regular breaks in the day to breathe
Drink water
Think grateful, nice memories 
Have fun
Try meditation*teaches you to notice thoughts, to no react to them straight away to observe them.
When you notice that you are thinking negative thought, ask yourself 'Have I thought this way before? Did it work out ok? Yes? Let's think of something nice.
You begin to catch when you are feeling anxious, you start to know how to calm the body instantly.
You catch when your thinking end of the 🌎, u don't react in the body as much, you realise you don't have to be afraid of thoughts.
Reduces the stress response
Tells the amygdala 'we're ok, you can go back to normal, no danger'
A SENSE of control


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